Individual Membership

Why should you join as an Individual Member of EUFEPS?


Because, through Individual Membership:

  • You identify personally with and become a full member of a truly interdisciplinary European pharmaceutical scientific organisation, effectively co-operating under a single umbrella;
  • You can participate directly and contribute actively in EUFEPS activities;


Membership Categories


Regular members receive access to all EUFEPS member benefits (including conference/meeting discounts).

Graduate/Undergraduate Student Member

Full-time undergraduate or graduate students. Student status must be verified by sending in a copy of the actual student ID card to the EUFEPS Secretariat ( each year. Student members receive access to all EUFEPS member benefits (including conference/meeting discounts).


Become a member

To register as individual member of EUFEPS please go to the registration site:

Join EUFEPS now!

Annual Dues Price/person (EUR)
Membership fee Regular 90
Membership fee Student 40


You can terminate your individual membership by notification of withdrawal in writing to the EUFEPS Secretariat ( at least 3 months before the end of a year.

Please click here to terminate your membership.