An aging population with increasing healthcare demands, the failure of drug candidates in late clinical phase, lack of suitable biomarkers, emerging and persisting infectious diseases in the absence of adequate prevention and treatment, the patent cliff, increasing regulatory hurdles amid an economic crisis - drug development may not be the most comfortable place to be.
How can, how must Pharmaceutical Sciences and Scientists contribute to this emerging European research environment? Which are the research priorities and objectives, how do the related implementation strategies look like? Who are the stakeholders, how are PPPs created and maintained? And how can research be translated to benefit European as well as global healthcare infrastructures? These are some questions we would like to address at this symposium with the implication of the EUFEPS membership and its networks, as well as outside partners.
The EUFEPS Annual Meeting is a three-day event with the opportunity to hold network and executive committee meetings prior to and after the symposium. The format is a mix of keynote lectures and workshops, along with podium discussions with contributions from the networks. Issues to be addressed are both the overarching topic as well as specific themes to be discussed from different perspectives.
The next EUFEPS Annual Meeting will be held from February 19 to 21, 2025 in Vienna, Austria. Please visit the conference webpage for more information: https://annualmeeting.eufeps.org/
EUFEPS Annual Meeting Series
February 19 - 21, 2025
Vienna, Austria
the meeting was organized as joint EUFEPS / ÖPhG Meeting 2025. More than 250 participants from 28 countries were attracted to this Meeting 2025, which took place between February 19 and 21 2025.
The aim of this scientific event is to invite the members of the EUFEPS Member societies and also colleagues from other European countries under the umbrella of EUFEPS to building up closer collaboration between pharmacists and other members of the scientific community dealing with drug research and development, and to strengthening the European spirit in Europe.
Prof. Thierry Langer, chairman of the conference, Prof Helmut Viernstein, President of ÖPhG and Prof. Maria Blanco-Prieto, President of EUFEPS, opened the meeting.
Oral lecturers discussed different hot topics in drug research and development. Their presentations were well received and initiated very interesting scientific discussions concerning their specific topics.
In a round table discussion on the topic "Personalized Medicines" representatives from different areas discussed the need and the challanges of this topic. The successful implementation of personalized medicine in Europe requires robust infrastructure, clear guidelines, and effective integration of genetic, lifestyle, and environmental data without overwhelming clinicians. Key challenges include determining leadership roles, ensuring sufficient education, generating strong evidence through appropriate trial methods, and addressing uncertainties in drug effectiveness through real-world evidence and policy-ready registries.
In the poster section, many talented young scientists presented their latest research results covering various aspects of drug discovery and drug development.
For the third time, EUFEPS organized a competition between PhD students from different member societies. In total, 11 candidates competed in a special session by giving an overview of their work in 5 min.
- Nanofibers for drug delivery and tissue regeneration
- Pharmaceutical science research needs: what’s hot today and what is on the horizon?
- Radiopharmacy
- Tackling the challenge for bioequivalence of nanomedicines
- Pharmaceutical Biology / Pharmacognosy
- Drug Delivery Systems for Precision Therapies
- Ocular drug delivery
- On the interface between regulatory science and health technology assessment (HTA)
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Challenges in nanotherapy for tumors
- Innovative multidisciplinary approach to drug development
- Emerging Technologies Shaping the Future of Pharma
- Challenges and opportunities for Pharmacists in Pharmacogenomics
- Innovations in Pharmacology: New Pathways in Drug Development
- Model-informed precision dosing
- Lipid nanoparticles
- The One Health Concept: Progress and news from the side of Veterinary Medicine
- Round Table: Personalized Medicines
- PhD competition
May 23 - May 25, 2024
Debrecen, Hungary
Within this event, the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Society celebrated the 100th anniversary. More than 500 participants from 24 countries were attracted to this Meeting 2024, which took place between May 23 and 25 2024.
The aim of this scientific event is to invite the members of the EUFEPS Member societies and also colleagues from other European countries under the umbrella of EUFEPS to building up closer collaboration between pharmacists and other members of the scientific community dealing with drug research and development, and to strengthening the European spirit in Europe.
Prof. Eva Szökö, chairman of the conference, and Prof. Maria Blanco-Prieto, President of EUFEPS, opened the meeting.
Oral lecturers discussed different hot topics in drug research and development. Their presentations were well received and initiated very interesting scientific discussions concerning their specific topics.
In a round table discussion, the EurSci4health platform discussed on the topic "Actualities in the Field of Medical and Drug Devices – Regulatory and Scientific Point of Viewhow scientists can engage and influence agendas on a European level".
In the poster section, many talented young scientists presented their latest research results covering various aspects of drug discovery and drug development.
For the second time, EUFEPS organized a competition between PhD students from different member societies. In total, 9 candidates competed in a special session by giving an overview of their work in 5 min.
- Advanced drug delivery for chronic diseases
- Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
- Challenges and Solutions in Biosimilar Product Development
- Challenges we face: being a hospital pharmacist in the XXI century
- Clinical Pharmacy, Digital Health, Pharmacoepidemiology and Precision Medicine
- Innovation in Pharma Industry in Larger and Smaller Companies
- Natural Products in the Medicine and Recent Progresses in Natural Products and Medicinal Plant Research
- Novel carriers for novel drugs
- Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
- QbD & PAT in Manufacturing
- Radiopharmaceuticals legislation and production
- Recent Progresses in Drug Formulation and Development of Dosage Forms
- Recent Progresses in Pharmaceutical Technology
- Recent Progresses in Pharmacological Research
- Regulation of medicines in both disciplines – human and veterinary medicine: Significance, concerns, common grounds
- Richter Symposium
- Roundtable: Actualities in the Field of Medical and Drug Devices – Regulatory and Scientific Point of View
- Symposium of pharmacogenomics (EPRIN) network
- Hospital Pharmacists’ Satellite Symposium (3 sections, in Hungarian)
- PhD student Competition
May 31 - June 2, 2023
Lisbon, Portugal
More than 255 participants from 29 countries were attracted to the EUFEPS Annual Meeting 2023, which took place between May 29 and June 2 2023, at the University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.
The aim of this scientific event is to invite the members of the EUFEPS Member societies and also colleagues from other European countries under the umbrella of EUFEPS to building up closer collaboration between pharmacists and other members of the scientific community dealing with drug research and development, and to strengthening the European spirit in Europe.
Prof. Joao Lopes, chairman of the conference, and Prof. Maria Blanco-Prieto, President of EUFEPS, opened the meeting and the audience was welcomed by Beatriz da Silva Lima (Dean Lisbon University).
Oral lecturers discussed different hot topics in drug research and development. Their presentations were well received and initiated very interesting scientific discussions concerning their specific topics.
During a very interesting round table discussion, Rogério Gaspar (WHO), Hubert Leufkens (Utrecht University) and Alexandre Guedes Silva (SPEM - President of the Portuguese Association of Multiple Sclerosis) discussed different views on Emerging therapies: regulatory perspective. The discussion was led by Margarida Sousa (Journalist, CNN Portugal).
In another round table discussion, the EurSci4health platform discussed how scientists can engage and influence agendas on a European level.
In the poster section, many talented young scientists presented their latest research results covering various aspects of drug discovery and drug development.
For the first time, EUFEPS organized a competition between PhD students from different member societies. In total, 10 candidates competed in a special session by giving an overview of their work in 5 min. The jury members, Dr. Thomas Sauer (Sanofi Aventis, Germany), Dieter Steinhilber (University Frankfurt, Germany) and Ana Grenha (University of Algarve, Portugal) asked a question to each candidate. Cristina Casadidio (FIGON), Souhaila El Moukhtari (Spain) and Gülşen Aybar Tural (Turkey) have been selected by the jury as the best three candidates.
◆ Expanding the role of nano drug delivery system in an evolving scenario for global health
◆ EFMC-Innovative approaches for sustainable Drug Discovery
◆ Lipid based drug delivery
◆ Particle design
◆ Pharmacogenomics at the Tipping Point
◆ New drug Formulations for precision medicine
◆ Translating Science: Bench to Bedside
◆ Strategies for the preservation of effective antibiotics – the One Health Concept in application
◆ Regulation of orphan medicinal products: a strong learning device for regulatory science
◆ Drug delivery to Skin: Local and Systemic applications
◆ Tailoring clinical pharmacotherapy to patients’ needs
◆ Sustainable/Green pharmacy
◆ In vitro tools to predict in vivo bioavailability of drugs
◆ Radiopharmacy
June 1 - 3, 2022
Leiden, The Netherlands
The EUFEPS Annual meeting 2022 was organised as a cmobined meeting togehter with the Dutch Medicine Days. It focused on the theme “Boosting Sustainable Drug Development in Europe - Top Science Below Sea level”. The aim of the combined conference is to bring together people fro m all over the world who are involved in pharmaceutical sciences in order to exchange the latest results, experiences, and information and to build communication and collaboration at regional and global scales. The main track of the meeting were continued throughout the scientific programme on June 1 to 3 including parallel sessions organized by our FIGON and EUFEPS Networks as well as other leading European science networks/research consortiums. Talks on each session were selected from the submitted abstracts. Young researchers had the opportunities to give short talks which were selected from the submitted abstracts.
June 7 - 9, 2021
Virtual Meeting
The EUFEPS Annual meeting 2021 was focused on the theme “Bridging the gap between the patient and the product design”. The meeting was held in collaboration with Chalmers University of Technology, AstraZeneca, Swedish Drug Delivery Forum and Swedish Pharmaceutical Society.The main track of the meeting were continued throughout the scientific programme on June 7 to 9 covering aspects of academic work and industrial application in a multitude of areas within pharmaceutical sciences. We will also make a lessons learnt session about drug treatments of COVID-19. Talks on each session were selected from the submitted abstracts. Young researchers had the opportunities to give short talks which were selected from the submitted abstracts.
◆ Characterisation: QbD
◆ Drug delivery
◆ Characterisation
◆ Manufacturing
◆ Recent progress oral biopharmaceutics
◆ Systems Pharmacology
◆ Pharmacogenetics Research and Implementation
◆ Frontiers in Drug Discovery
◆ Regulatory science
◆ Veterinary Medicines
◆ Bioavailability and Biopharmaceutics
March 6 - 8, 2019
Frankfurt, Germany
The EUFEPS Annual meeting 2019 was focused on the theme “Personalized Medicines, Targeted Therapies, Precision Drug Delivery”. The main track of the meeting were continued throughout the scientific programme on March 6 to 8 covering aspects of personalized medicines, recent drug developments, new drug targets and drug delivery. Talks on each session were selected from the submitted abstracts. Young researchers had the opportunities to give short talks which were selected from the submitted abstracts.
◆ Oncology
◆ NBCDs, Nanomedicines and Nanosimilars
◆ Biomarkers for personalized medicines
◆ Targeted Drug Delivery and Age-appropriate Formulations
◆ Personalized Medicine Outside of Oncology
◆ Analytical Technologies
◆ Veterinary Medicines
◆ Pharmacogenetics Research and Implementation
◆ Process Analytical Contro
October 7 - 8, 2008
Gothenburg, Sweden
This meeting focused on the theme “Crossing Barriers for Future Medicines”. The main track of the meeting was continued throughout the scientific programme on May 24 to 26 covering basic sciences in oral and mucosal drug absorption and transport to innovative medicines and their PK/PD evaluation.
As the concept of future medicines involves an extensive systems approach for both development and for preclinical and clinical evaluation, parallel tracks were organized by networks and EUFEPS member institutions and societies to discuss different aspects. Among these tracks available to the Athens 2018 participants, Nanomedicines tracks were organized by EUFEPS Network on Nanomedicine and Hellenic Society on Nanotechnology for Health Sciences HSNanoHS. Biotech and Biosimilars and Manufacturing of Future Medicines tracks were co-organized with industry, Novel Molecular Targets and New Oncology Drugs track were held by German Pharmaceutical Society, Personalized Medicine tracks were organized by EUFEPS Network on Systems Pharmacology and Pharmacogenetics network EPRIN.
◆ Physiology of the GI tract relevant for drug absorption
◆ Nanomedicines and nanosimilars: How to assess how similar?
◆ Performance of dosage forms in the body and impact on drug absorption
◆ Drug absorption, dissolution and in-silico modelling – towards prediction paradise?
◆ Manufacturing of future medicines
◆ Biotech and Biosimilars
◆ New drugs in Oncology
June 15-17, 2015
Geneva, Switzerland
The EUFEPS Annual Meeting 2015 brought together representatives of pharmaceutical sciences in industry, academia and regulatory agencies for discussion and exchange of
ideas in current and future strategies for the development of better medicines. The focus of the meeting was on highlighting issues related to different stages of the development process, such as systems pharmacology, predictive toxicology, novel approaches in pharmaceutical manufacturing (continuous processing, personalised medicines manufacturing), risk assessment and pharmacovigilance. The meeting were completed by an educational workshop on nanomedicine and a thematic session organised by the European Federation of Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC).
The conference was organised by EUFEPS and the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Geneva-Lausanne (EPGL), and held under the auspices of the European Federation for
Medcinal Chemistry (EFMC), the European Federation of Clinical Nanomedicine (CLINAM), and the Swiss Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences (SAPhS).
◆ Educational workshop on Nanomedicine
◆ Medicinal Chemistry
◆ New concepts of drug treatment
◆ Drug development - predictive toxicology, predictive translations
◆ New systems in manufacturing
◆ Medicines usage and its consequences
June 16–18, 2014
Uppsala, Sweden
EUFEPS is there to advance sciences for better medicines and health. To this end, EUFEPS also engages with policy makers in Europe (parliament, commission, learned societies, public institutions etc.).
◆ Horizon scanning – Horizon 2020, the new Strategic Research Agenda, IMI-2
◆ Science for the future – system pharmacology; precision medicines; pharmacogenetics/ pharmacogenomics; medicines safety; complex drug delivery; manufacturing and egulatory science
◆ Research consortia building
◆ Breakout sessions – e.g. on locally applied and locally acting drugs; future manufacturing and quality; nanosimilars; precision medicines; drug efficacy and safety – providing chances to meet, discuss and identify new opportunities