The European Federation for Pharmaceutcial Sciences e. V. (EUFEPS) presents its awards of the year 2024


The European Federation for Pharmaceutcial Sciences e. V. (EUFEPS) presents its awards of the year 2023

During its 2024 Annual Meeting, EUFEPS again honored female and male scientists for their outstanding achievements.

Teresa Simon-Yarza, University of Paris City, France, received the 2024 Women in Pharmaceutical Sciences Award for her work titled "SA Pre-Vascularized Structured Hydrogel Membrane to Model the Outer Blood-Retina Barrier for Drug Research."

4 Prizes for the best Poster Contributions were given to the following candidates:

Artur Owczarek, Wroclaw Medical University, Poland. His poster was entitled " Evaluation of Proprietary Technological Tool for Identifying Medicine Use Problems and Providing Pharmaceutical Consultations".

Nóra Papp, University of Pécs, Hungary. Her poster was entitled "Ethnomedicinal Survey of Plants – 16 Year-Study in Transylvania"

Nicolas Pätzmann, University College Cork, Ireland. His poster was entitled "Melting Point Depression and Dissolution Enhancement in Co-Milled Formulations of Apremilast".

Péter P. Lakatos, His poster was entitled "Separation of Tolperisone and its Degradation Products Using a Dual Cyclodextrin Capillary Electrophoresis System".

We sincerely congratulate all award winners and thank them for their outstanding pharmaceutical work!


Prof. Eva Szökö, Conference Chair
Prof. Maria Blanco-Prieto, EUFEPS President












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