EUFEPS Workshop: PubPharm: The freely accessible search platform
Virtuelles Meeting
We want to invite you to the EUFEPS Workshop on September 9, 2024.
Dr. Christina Draheim, Hermann Kroll and Stefan Wulle (Specialised Information Service Pharmacy, TU Braunschweig, Germany) will indtroduce you to "PubPharm: The search platform for pharmacy-specific literature and information resourcess".
The freely available search platform PubPharm ( is the central service of the Specialised Information Service (SIS) Pharmacy (in German “Fachinformationsdienst Pharmazie”). Around 37 million Medline (PubMed) publications, further 24 million articles from natural and life science journals, preprints (e.g., from ChemRxiv and bioRxiv), information on clinical studies, subject-specific patents, books (e-books, PhD theses), and conference papers can be searched with a single query.
In addition to the classic text-based search function, PubPharm contains a structure search capability and offers innovative AI-based search services. The Drug Overviews tool ( provides pharmaceutical-relevant information extracted from up-to-date literature on bioactive substances (e.g., indications, dosage forms, laboratory methods and targets). The Narrative Service ( allows precise searches for relevant literature by entering the search query as a subject-predicate-object relationship and thus defining the relationship between the search words.
The SIS Pharmacy is a collaborative project between the University Library Braunschweig and the Institute for Information Systems (IfIS) at Technische Universität Braunschweig. This project is financially supported by the German Research Foundation since 2015.
During the web seminar, the basic functions of PubPharm will be explained using search examples. There will also be a detailed presentation on the Drug Overviews and the Narrative Service.
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