21st EUFEPS Talks

Virtuelles Meeting

We want to invite you to the 21st EUFEPS Talks on March 17, 2025 at 4 pm CET.

Nicolas Tsapis will give a talk with the title: "Labeling nanoparticles with contrast agents to trace their accumulation to diseased tissues".



In drug delivery, nanomedicines are often associated with a contrast agent to yield nanotheranostic systems allowing both imaging and treatment. The theranostic word was first mentioned in 2002 and comes from the contraction of therapy and diagnostics. Nanotheranostics are designed to image nanoparticle biodistribution, to survey the extent of the disease, to deliver the treatment and to monitor in real time its mechanism of action and its efficacy. In this presentation, we will focus on the first goal and will present several examples of labeling polymer nanoparticles to detect them with one of three different imaging modalities: ultrasound, 19F magnetic resonance imaging or photoacoustics.



After studying Physics at Univ Paris Sud (France), Nicolas Tsapis did his PhD on the influence of proteins on the elastic properties of model biological membranes at Laboratoire de Physique Statistique (ENS, Paris, France). In 2001, he went to Harvard University as a post-doctoral fellow in the groups of Prof. David A. Edwards and Prof. David A. Weitz. There he studied the drying process of droplets containing colloidal particles from a fundamental as well as from an applied point of view. In October 2003, Nicolas Tsapis joined the team of Prof Elias Fattal as a CNRS researcher (Institut Galien Paris-Sud, Univ Paris-Sud, Faculté de Pharmacie, Châtenay-Malabry, France). His research activity focuses on three main topics: Novel contrast agents for medical imaging and theranostics, spray drying from fundamentals to therapeutic applications and anti-inflammatory nanosystems. In 2009, he obtained the CNRS bronze medal and in 2014 he was appointed CNRS research director. Together with Prof E. Fattal is the co-leader of the Particle and Cell Engineering for Therapeutic applications group at Institut Galien Paris-Saclay. Since 2020, he is the vice-director of Institut Galien Paris-Saclay. He is the co-author of about 140 publications and 9 patents among which one led to the founding of Imescia.



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