10th EUFEPS Talks
Virtuelles Meeting
We want to invite you to the 10th EUFEPS Talks on February 20, 2023 at 4 pm CET.
Together with the EUFEPS Veterinary Medicines Network we have organised an interesting EUFEPS Talks. Dr Klaus Hellmann will give a talk with the title: "Regulation (EU) 2019/6 on Veterinary Medicinal Products and One Health: Objectives and Practical Implementation".
Introduction: Regulation EU 2019/6 got into effect on 28JAN2022, one year ago. In its introduction it is defined, that the regulation aims to reduce the administrative burden, enhance the internal market and increase the availability of veterinary medicinal products (VMPs), while guaranteeing the highest level of public and animal health and environmental protection. Within the intersectoral objectives of the One Health approach, the new regulation for VMPs addresses specifically antimicrobial resistance, but also strongly related to the requirement for innovation, partly to improve alternatives to antimicrobials and animal welfare, and the environmental impact.
Methods and Results: This webinar will discuss the different objectives of Regulation EU 2019/6 that are related to ONE HEALTH; it will be focusing on the restriction of the use of antimicrobials in animals including the successes reached since 2010 (in contrast to the changes seen in human use), the measures proposed to improve the availability of new VMPs for food producing animals (FPAs) while controlling the risk for the consumer, the restrictions for innovation for both FPAs and pets and also address some topics within the field of environmental safety.
Conclusions: Regulation EU 2019/6 and its implementing and delegated acts change the modalities to develop and use VMPs, especially antimicrobials for veterinary use, quite significantly. The options provided to the member states to expand beyond the requirements of the regulation scrutinize the objective of harmonisation quite a bit, but also gives further major restrictions to innovation, as more and more member states implement further restrictions, mostly to assure their national interests. The author will explain to the participants the practical difficulties seen when trying to reduce the administrative burden, increase the availability of VMPs, enhance innovation and make further steps in harmonisation.
Here you can download the CV of Dr. Klaus Hellmann.
A registration is needed for this event. Please use the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0td-ypqzoiH9ZIUmk8h9St-2OBJ5aao6cg. After the regristration you will receive an E-Mail with the log-in details.